Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Hydrogeology - Numerical simulations - 3D

Scientific Description: NEF-Flow is a Matlab software for the simulation of steady state single phase flow in Discrete Fracture Networks (DFNs) using the Mixed Hybrid Finite Element (MHFEM) method for conforming and non conforming discretizations. It includes: wells, sink/source terms boundary conditions, implementation of RT0 and P1 non conforming finite elements, data structures to save the information local to each fracture, a set of non regression tests to check the solution on the Inria continuous integration platform, wells and sink/sources boundary conditions in the function that check the solution.

Functional Description: The software NEF-Flow solves the problem of an incompressible fluid flowing through a network of fractures. The software is interfaced with different mesh generators, among which BLSURF from the GAMMA3 team. A mixed hybrid finite element method is implemented.

News Of The Year: The last version includes new features (new APP v1.1): a full documentation of the code, new 2D test cases with analytical solutions to study the convergence of the non-conforming (Mortar) method, new organization of the non regression tests and automatic run on the Inria continuous integration platform, a refactoring of the solver parts, new developments of an iterative solver to solve flow in fractures networks (research work with Pr. Ludmil Zikatanov, PennState University), the computation of the velocity fields with P1 non conforming FE.